Tips and Tools for Achieving Your Brand!

5 Part Networking Series


To decrease your fear of networking, I have outlined a simple process to help you prepare for an effective networking engagement. The first stage will be to outline the tools needed and the second stage will be framing the conversation.

Stage 1: Tools

1. Business cards:
Of course, stating you need business cards is not rocket science, but getting you to actually create them is the true challenge. Not only create one, but one that is professional and reflects your personal brand. Basically everything that represents you is an extension of your brand.

2. Polished appearance:
You must be aware of how your dress and appearance increase or hinder your ability to make strong initial first impressions. This is an area that comes naturally for some and is work for others, but I can guarantee you that once you devote the time you will see the returns on your investment. First impressions matter and they are lasting! Your polished appearance is the difference between someone looking pass you or taking notice with an intrigued stare.

3. Mirror and a Friend:
Like everything else, building your brand takes practice. However, not just lackadaisical practice but practice that leads to perfect execution. A mirror allows you to see your body language, including your facial expressions and body posture. A better, more informative mirror of your entire brand communication would be recording yourself. I know this takes little more work, but it definitely allows you do review yourself and tweak, tweak and tweak.

Stage 2: Create an Elevator Pitch

You have often observed the most confident person in the room, chatting with everyone important, exuding that confidence that every single person interested in looking successful wishes they had. Sometimes you think to yourself, “wow, this person is such a natural, I wish I were born a social butterfly.” As much as we would love to believe that every person good at working a room and networking was born that way, I am here to tell you that it is the furthest thing from the truth. Each successful brand you witness and experience took hours, days, months and years to craft through repeated practice and knowledge attainment.

You have to craft an elevator pitch – basically a 3 minute blurb that highlights your key strengths, goals and interests - related to the person you hope to speak to (Look out for our future post on executing an effective Elevator Pitch).

Now use your Stage 1 tools to practice. You have to imagine a variety of scenarios, especially the engagement where the person is not truly interested or has the time to talk to you! Practice your ‘elevator pitch’ in front of the mirror (or record on your phone) until you feel confident. Once you are determined to excel at networking on the fly, role play with a trusted friend who will be invested in your success and tell you the truth. The goal is to practice, practice, and practice until you can basically perform your script at the drop of a hat. Now, it’s not about coming across as rehearsed when the opportunity presents itself, it’s more about not freezing on the spot because “cat got your tongue.”

Closing Thoughts:
Practice the uncomfortable until it becomes comfortable because ultimately, the separation is in the preparation!


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